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iOS app crashes immediately when debugging AppleWatch app on Simulator (not on device)

I've got an AppleWatch app that is working fine in Simulator and Device, but when I call openParentApplication, it appears that the parent app is crashing immediately because I see this in the console output:

The UIApplicationDelegate in the iPhone App never called reply()...

When I try to manually launch the parent iOS app in the Simulator it crashes there too immediately. I don't have time to attach the debugger (which is already attached to the AppleWatch app) to see what is crashing it. Note that the parent app runs fine when the AppleWatch is running and I'm using a real iPhone. I can also run the app fine on the Simulator when not debugging the AppleWatch app.

I've tried resetting the Simulator, but problem persists.

I'm just not sure how to debug this. Any help is appreciated.


  • In turns out that after commenting out all code in the parent app's didFinishLaunching and stripping almost all code out of the watch extension, the problem was indeed at a lower level.

    The Simulator has a

    Debug | Open System Log...

    menu option that showed the crash logs, which contained:

    Dyld Error Message: Library not loaded: @rpath/MyCore.framework/MyCore Referenced from: /Users/me/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/A2061705-DDDF-477C-9AAA-E50GG43A6350/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/DEB7FB25-8233-4B9F-8DAB-9FF8AE42BF33/ Reason: no suitable image found. Did find: /Users/me/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/A2061705-DDDF-477C-9AAA-E50FF43A6350/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/DEB7FB25-8553-4B9F-8DAB-9FF8AE95BF33/ mach-o, but wrong architecture

    My Swift app has a few dependent Swift projects that are used by the app and extension. Getting the Swift frameworks to link has been a major pain. I've included the dependent frameworks (compiled in the same workspace) as embedded binaries. This works when running on the device, or on the Simulator, but not when running in this hybrid watch app + parent app Simulator context.

    I changed the embedded binary references to point to the frameworks under ...DerivedData...Debug-iphonesimulator, as opposed to ...DerivedData...Debug-iphoneos, and the problem went away.

    Still hoping the Swift framework story will improve.