I am working on a project where I need to extract the Mel-Cepstral Frequency Coefficients (MFCC) from audio signals. The first step for this process is to read the audio file into Python.
The audio files I have are stored in a .sph format. I am unable to find a method to read these files directly into Python. I would like to have the sampling rate, and a NumPy array with the data, similar to how wav read works.
Since the audio files I will be dealing with are large in size, I would prefer not to convert to .wav format for reading. Could you please suggest a possible method to do so?
I was against converting to a .wav file as I assumed it would take a lot of time. That is not the case. So, converting using SoX suited my needs.
The following script when run in a windows folder converts all the files in that folder to a .wav file.
cd %~dp0
for %%a in (*.sph) do sox "%%~a" "%%~na.wav"
After this, the following command can be used to read the file.
import scipy.io.wavfile as wav
(rate,sig) = wav.read("file.wav")