I have an app where each User has a Counter object associated with it. The User is subscribed to the corresponding Counter.
Each time a user submits the form, I want to save the current value of the User's Counter to the form. However, the client and server disagree on what Counter object to use.
Counters = new Mongo.Collection("counters");
Router.route('/register', { name: 'insertRegistration',
waitOn: function() {
return [ Meteor.subscribe('counters') ];
RegistrationSchema = new SimpleSchema({
somevalue: {
type: String,
autoValue: function() {
console.log(Counters.findOne()); // Different results on client and server
return "whatever";
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publish('counters', function() {
return Counters.find({ user_id: this.userId });
on the client picks the Counter object associated with the current user.
on the server picks a Counter object out of the collection of all Counter objects.
I think this is because the Client asks for Counters
and gets what it's subscribed to, while Server asks for Counters
and gets the Collection.
Is there a way to consider the publish/subscribe rules on the server?
On the server, do
Counter.findOne({ user_id: this.userId })
to get the correct counter for the user.