I'm experimenting with estimote iBeacons and tried their running their demo app ibeacon-scan [1] using the EvothingsWorkbench [2] on my android smartphone, which worked: I was able to monitor the ibeacons located nearby. Then, I tried building an android app with cordova by following their instructions [3]:
# create cordova project
$ cordova create monitr com.evothings.monitr monitr
# (remove all www files & copy demo app files into www dir)
# configure platforms to deploy to
$ cordova platform add android
# build android app
$ cordova build android
# install android app on smartphone
$ adb install -r platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android-debug.apk
It was built and installed on my smartphone, however, when I start the app, it won't show me any ibeacon. Why?
[1] http://evothings.com/doc/examples/ibeacon-scan.html
[2] a desktop application for running apps on mobile devices, see http://evothings.com/doc/studio/workbench.html
Turns out, the demo app requires the cordova-plugin-ibeacon plugin [1].
$ cordova plugin add https://github.com/petermetz/cordova-plugin-ibeacon