In the following script,
set theText to "ASDF"
set lowercase to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
set numeric to "0123456789"
set containsLowercase to false
set containsUppercase to false
set containsNumber to false
set containsSomethingElse to false
repeat with theCharacter in theText
if lowercase contains theCharacter then
set containsLowercase to true
else if uppercase contains theCharacter then
set containsUppercase to true
else if numeric contains theCharacter then
set containsNumber to true
set containsSomethingElse to true
end if
end repeat
if containsLowercase and (containsNumber or containsSomethingElse) then
if containsNumber and containsSomethingElse then
say "The text contains a mix of lowercase, numbers, and something else."
else if containsNumber then
say "The text contains a mix of lowercase and numbers."
say "The text contains a mix of lowercase and something non-numeric."
end if
else if containsLowercase then
say "The text contains only lowercase characters."
else if containsNumber and containsSomethingElse then
say "The text contains a mix of numbers and something non-alphabetic."
else if containsNumber then
say "The text contains only numbers."
else if containsSomethingElse then
say "The text contains only non-numeric and non-alphabetic characters."
say "I think there is something wrong with my logic, Dave."
end if
Even though theText is only capitals, it still thinks it contains the lowercase alphabet defined with the variable lowercase. I read somewhere that AppleScript is case-insensitive. I'm not sure if this is possible, but I want it to be case-sensitive. Any way to do that?
You can use the "considering" statement.
considering case
if theAlphabet contains theCharacter then
set containsLowerAlpha to true
end if
if theUpperAlphabet contains theCharacter then
set containsUpperAlpha to true
end if
end considering
More about considering at the Apple documentation for control statements.