i want to create a table and i get an error :
Why doesn't he like my constraint? is mysql so different to sql? because 2 years ago i created the same table with no problems in sql :(
here the whole code
CREATE table Mitarbeiter(
Mitarbeiternummer INT(5),
Personennummer INT(5) constraint not_null_mitarbpersnr NOT NULL,
Gehalt INT(10),
Chef_Mitarbeiternummer INT(5),
constraint mitarbeiter_pk primary key (Mitarbeiternummer),
constraint unique_mitpernr UNIQUE (Personennummer),
constraint marb_fk_persnr foreign key(Personennummer) references person(Personennummer) ON DELETE CASCADE,
constraint marb_fk_chef foreign key (Chef_Mitarbeiternummer) references mitarbeiter(Mitarbeiternummer));
Also i get the same error when i want to write "personennummer NUMBER(5)" but it is a personal identification number and so every personennummer has the same lenght 5 for instance the first has '00001' and so on
I hope you can answer my questions :)
MySQL doesn't support syntax to give a name to a NOT NULL
This will throw an error:
Personennummer INT(5) constraint not_null_mitarbpersnr NOT NULL
To declare a NOT NULL
constraint on a column in MySQL, you have to omit the keyword CONSTRAINT
and the name. This syntax is valid:
Personennummer INT(5) NOT NULL
Reference: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/create-table.html
Note that the syntax following CONSTRAINT
does not allow NOT NULL
is included as part of the column definition.
MySQL differs from other databases, such as Oracle, which do allow you to give a name to a NOT NULL
constraint. I Oracle, I think the NOT NULL constraint shows up as a constraint in the dictionary. So it's understandable that we'd want to give a specific name, rather than having a system generated SYS_nnnnnn
name assigned. In MySQL, NOT NULL
is handled as an attribute of the column, not as a separate constraint.