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FIWARE Lab Store widget list errors and publishing

lately the FIWARE Lab store doesn't seem to work for me. The first page with Top Rated and Latest offerings loads ok, but after clicking on widgets/mashups tab, it produces an error window:

get() returned more than one Purchase -- it returned 2! Lookup parameters
were {'customer': <django.utils.functional.SimpleLazyObject object at
0x7fd9e41a3750>, 'organization_owned': False, 'offering': <Offering: EntityService>}

Also, when trying to publish a widget, after choosing to upload to the FIWARE Lab Store, the POST request to fails with code 502 and the following response:

{"description": "Something went wrong (see details for more info)",
"details": {"FIWARE Lab": "Unexpected response from Store"}}

I know that some software components have been updated lately so I understand that this might be a transitional bug. Thanks for your help if you can fix it.


  • As you pointed, that was a temporal problem. You should be able to use the Store portal again.

    Anyway, StackOverflow is for asking questions related to programming (visit the help center for more info), so it's better to use the contact info published on the FIWARE catalogue or the [email protected] for this kind of questions/support.