I'm sure the answer is obvious, but it's eluding me at the moment.
I get a 403 when my code tries to call /connect/userinfo and the message is "insufficient_scope".
Above is the line of code that checks for the scope claim in a JWT and wants to find the value to be "openid" to make the /connect/userinfo endpoint work.
In my JWT, if it has something like:
"scope": "openid"
... then the endpoint is fine. Instead if I have:
"scope": ["openid", "email", "profile"]
... then it fails.
Am I supposed to never have a list/array of scope claims? Maybe I'm missing a configuration setting somewhere?
Update with code
Sorry. Of course code will make the problem clearer.
Client Store
public ClientStore()
_clients = new List<Client>
new Client
AlwaysSendClientClaims = true,
RequireConsent = false,
Enabled = true,
ClientName = @"MVC Client",
ClientId = @"mvc",
PostLogoutRedirectUris = new List<string>
RedirectUris = new List<string>
Scope store
public ScopeStore()
var scopes = new List<Scope>
_scopes = scopes;
var certFile = env.ApplicationBasePath + "/cert.pfx";
app.Map("/core", core =>
var factory = new IdentityServerServiceFactory();
var configuration = new Configuration();
var userService = new EndUserService(configuration.Get("ConnectionString"));
factory.UserService = new Registration<IUserService>(resolver => userService);
var scopeStore = new ScopeStore();
factory.ScopeStore = new Registration<IScopeStore>(resolver => scopeStore);
var clientStore = new ClientStore();
factory.ClientStore = new Registration<IClientStore>(resolver => clientStore);
var cert = new X509Certificate2(certFile, "test");
var idsrvOptions = new IdentityServerOptions
CorsPolicy = CorsPolicy.AllowAll,
Factory = factory,
RequireSsl = false,
SigningCertificate = cert,
LoggingOptions = new LoggingOptions() {
EnableWebApiDiagnostics = true,
EnableHttpLogging = true
var config = {
client_id: "mvc",
redirect_uri: "http://localhost:8080/loginCallback.html",
response_type: "id_token token",
scope: "openid email profile",
authority: "http://localhost:44319/core",
post_logout_redirect_uri: "http://localhost:8080/index.html"
var mgr = new OidcTokenManager(config);
Shoot, it's a Mono versus Windows thing. Works fine in Windows, broken in Mono. Known issue apparently: https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3/issues/1373#issuecomment-104756822
Turns out there is a bug with how Microsoft's JWT library interprets JWT claims. Described here: https://github.com/AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-identitymodel-extensions-for-dotnet/pull/153
Waiting for that pull request to be accepted or for the problem to be fixed in some other manner.