I was writing a simple shellcode that would call execve()
for an ARM platform (Linux on Raspberry PI) and got stuck with the second argument to execve
. As per documentation:
int execve(const char *filename, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]);
Which totally cuts it for me if I call execve("/bin/sh", {NULL}, {NULL});
(from the assembly standpoint):
.section .rodata
.string "/bin/sh"
.globl _start
mov r7, #11
ldr r0, =.command
eor r1, r1 @ temporarily forget about argv
eor r2, r2 @ don't mind envp too
svc #0
mov r7, #1
eor r0, r0
svc #0
The assembly above compiles nicely and evokes a shell when run on my test machine that has true /bin/sh
. However, all my trouble is that on the particular target box there's no /bin/sh
per se, but only a symlink to busybox
which necessitates me to execute something like execve("/bin/busybox", {"/bin/busybox", "sh", NULL}, {NULL})
As to what I understand, arrays are continuous in memory, so all I have to do is to allocate bytes in memory in a continuous manner and then feed pointer to the beginning of what I deem as such "array". With that in mind I tried to the following:
.section .rodata
.string "/bin/busybox"
.ascii "/bin/busybox\0"
.ascii "sh\0"
.ascii "\0"
.globl _start
mov r7, #11
ldr r0, =.command
ldr r1, =.args
eor r2, r2
svc #0
mov r7, #1
eor r0, r0
svc #0
however with no success. Tried to play around with bytes and just create a series of bytes with null bytes filled to align to 4 bytes, which also didn't work. If the .args
label looks like this:
.ascii "/bin/sh\0"
.ascii "-c\0\0\0"
.ascii "ls\0\0\0"
.ascii "\0\0\0\0"
then strace
of the program being executed is as below:
$ strace ./shell
execve("./shell", ["./shell"], [/* 19 vars */]) = 0
dup2(0, 4) = 4
dup2(1, 4) = 4
dup2(2, 4) = 4
execve("/bin/sh", [0x6e69622f, 0x68732f, 0x632d, 0x736c00], [/* 0 vars */]) = -1 EFAULT (Bad address)
exit(0) = ?
+++ exited with 0 +++
(Trying to execute /bin/sh -c ls
first on the testing machine before coding for /bin/busybox sh
I ran a similar C program and then debugged it to see how it's done. It appears the location that's passed to r1
contains a bunch of pointers to strings and then, naturally, 0x00:
(gdb) x/4xw 0xbefff764
0xbefff764: 0x000105d0 0x000105d8 0x000105dc 0x00000000
... snip ...
(gdb) p argv
$3 = {0x105d0 "/bin/sh", 0x105d8 "-c", 0x105dc "ls", 0x0}
Now that I figured out how memory is laid out, how do I prepare such layout in assembly and correctly pass the second parameter to execve()
as an "array" in ARM assembly parlance?
Gosh, I just came up with this... Several hours of fiddling around and then 2 minutes after posting my own question an answer hit me... Rubber duck debugging works.
.section .rodata
.string "/bin/sh"
.string "/bin/sh"
.string "-c"
.string "ls"
.word arg0
.word arg1
.word arg2
.word 0
.globl _start
mov r7, #11
ldr r0, =command
ldr r1, =args
eor r2, r2
svc #0
mov r7, #1
eor r0, r0
svc #0