Search code examples

Elasticsearch.NET NEST Object Initializer syntax for a highlight request

I've got:

        var result = _client.Search<ElasticFilm>(new SearchRequest("blaindex", "blatype")
            From = 0,
            Size = 100,
            Query = titleQuery || pdfQuery,
            Source = new SourceFilter
                Include = new []
                    Property.Path<ElasticFilm>(p => p.Url),
                    Property.Path<ElasticFilm>(p => p.Title),
                    Property.Path<ElasticFilm>(p => p.Language),
                    Property.Path<ElasticFilm>(p => p.Details),
                    Property.Path<ElasticFilm>(p => p.Id)
            Timeout = "20000"

And I'm trying to add a highlighter filter but I'm not that familiar with the Object Initializer (OIS) C# syntax. I've checked NEST official pages and SO but can't seem to return any results for specifically the (OIS).

I can see the Highlight property in the Nest.SearchRequest class but I'm not experienced enough (I guess) to simply construct what I need from there - some examples and explanations as to how to employ a highlighter with OIS would be hot!


  • This is the fluent syntax:

    var response= client.Search<Document>(s => s
        .Query(q => q.Match(m => m.OnField(f => f.Name).Query("test")))
        .Highlight(h => h.OnFields(fields => fields.OnField(f => f.Name).PreTags("<tag>").PostTags("</tag>"))));

    and this is by object initialization:

    var searchRequest = new SearchRequest
        Query = new QueryContainer(new MatchQuery{Field = Property.Path<Document>(p => p.Name), Query = "test"}),
        Highlight = new HighlightRequest
            Fields = new FluentDictionary<PropertyPathMarker, IHighlightField>
                    Property.Path<Document>(p => p.Name),
                    new HighlightField {PreTags = new List<string> {"<tag>"}, PostTags = new List<string> {"</tag>"}}
    var searchResponse = client.Search<Document>(searchRequest);


    NEST 7.x syntax:

    var searchQuery = new SearchRequest
        Highlight = new Highlight
            Fields = new FluentDictionary<Field, IHighlightField>()
                .Add(Nest.Infer.Field<Document>(d => d.Name),
                    new HighlightField {PreTags = new[] {"<tag>"}, PostTags = new[] {"<tag>"}})

    My document class:

    public class Document
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; } 