I am building a small hapijs app with brunch as asset management tool.
Running brunch build doesnt produce any compiled files. My project structure is similar like the structure sample in https://github.com/brunch/brunch/tree/stable/docs
exports.config = server: path: 'index.js' port: 8000 paths: public: 'public' conventions: ignored: 'app/templates' files: javascripts: joinTo: 'js/app.js': /^app/ 'js/vendor.js': /^vendor/ stylesheets: defaultExtension: 'css' joinTo:'css/app.css': /^app/
$brunch build -d produces:
brunch:watch Loaded plugins: +0ms brunch:watch File 'app' received event 'addDir' +9ms brunch:watch File 'vendor' received event 'addDir' +20ms brunch:watch File 'package.json' received event 'add' +4ms brunch:watch File 'brunch-config.coffee' received event 'add' +0ms brunch:watch File 'app/assets' received event 'addDir' +5ms brunch:watch File 'app/templates' received event 'addDir' +1ms brunch:file-list Reading 'app/style.css' +2ms brunch:watch File 'app/style.css' received event 'add' +2ms brunch:watch File 'vendor/css' received event 'addDir' +0ms brunch:watch File 'vendor/scripts' received event 'addDir' +1ms brunch:watch File 'app/assets/images' received event 'addDir' +4ms brunch:file-list Reading 'app/templates/index.html' +1ms brunch:watch File 'app/templates/index.html' received event 'add' +0ms brunch:file-list Reading 'vendor/css/normalize.css' +0ms brunch:watch File 'vendor/css/normalize.css' received event 'add' +0ms brunch:file-list Reading 'vendor/css/skeleton.css' +0ms brunch:watch File 'vendor/css/skeleton.css' received event 'add' +0ms 'add' +1ms brunch:file-list Reading 'vendor/scripts/jquery-1.11.2.min.js' +0ms brunch:watch File 'vendor/scripts/jquery-1.11.2.min.js' received event 'add' +0ms
Do I miss something? Thanks for any help
Apparantly I have to install mandatory plugin first such javascript-brunch and css-brunch( or any [style-language]-brunch plugin depending on your style language).
This thing are subtle and it's not described explicitly in brunch docs. Had to reread and reread again of brunch guide https://github.com/brunch/brunch-guide/blob/master/content/en/chapter04-starting-from-scratch.md to get the 'aha' moment.