I am working on a UI project using Groovy on Grails and AngularJS
. For localization/internationalization we are using ng-i18next
Here I have a requirement to display the localized text in uppercase. There is a anchor tag in my .gsp
<a ng-href="${request.contextPath}/#/list">{{'locales.data.labels.summary' | i18next}}</a>
This displays the text "Summary" after rendering in browser whereas we want to display it as "SUMMARY".
I think there should be a filter which can convert the text in uppercase after translation.
Try using uppercase
{{'locales.data.labels.summary' | i18next | uppercase}}
Ref# http://www.w3schools.com/angular/tryit.asp?filename=try_ng_filters_uppercase
You can use CSS style for this
text-transform: uppercase
Ref# CSS text-transform Property