I have a UNC file path stored in a structure
scope.sites = [
id: 1,
nickname: 'Development',
sitepath: '\\SERVERA.mydomain.com\sites\panoply\wwwroot',
active: true
I want to display the sitepath in the tooltip, as such:
<label style="width:100%;font-size:10px;" title="{{target.sitepath}}">
But as backslashes are escape characters what I get is \SERVERA.mydomain.comsitespanoplywwwroot
I thought I could use {{target.sitepath.replace('\\', '\\\\')}}
or {{target.sitepath.replace('\', '\\')}}
But neither of those seem to work.
Unfortunately, what you're asking for isn't possible. This would have to be fixed when scope.sites is created since it's currently providing you with malformed JSON.