I want to use SB Admin v2 Themes in my RoR application. I downloaded it and I don't know what's next to do.
BTW, I have gem bootstrap-sass
in my Gemfile
What I did is:
Create an admin.html.erb layout with the base markup provided in index.html of the SB Admin 2 template
Take a look at the js and css files included in the template and put them in their corresponding dirs in vendor/assets
Add the corresponding requiere and import in application.js and application.scss manifests
Don't include the assets for Morris charts until you really need them.
In the file sb-admin-2.js remove the lines that add acttive css class for the menu.
Implement menu using simple-navigation gem. It would look something like
# encoding: utf-8
SimpleNavigation::Configuration.run do |navigation|
navigation.items do |primary|
primary.item :dashboard, 'Inicio', admin_path, link_html: {icon_class: 'dashboard'}
primary.item :clients, t_title('routes.clients'), admin_clients_path, link_html: { link_active: current_page?(admin_clients_path), icon_class: 'users' } do | clients |
clients.item :clients_new, t_title('routes.new'), new_admin_client_path
SimpleNavigation.register_renderer admin_sidebar: Sb2AdminSidebarRenderer
SimpleNavigation.config.selected_class = 'active'
Not last but somewhere between the steps above you'd create partials for side menu, navbar top, etc.