I am building a website with Django, hosted on PythonAnywhere. One of the website pages is a private page that I use to build content that will be then displayed in the public pages. Rather than saving the content produced within the private page to the database and then retrieving it from the database, I would like to save it to static files, in my static directory (it's a small number of JSON files that will be served over and over again, so I think it makes sense to serve them as static files).
In the view that defines my private page I have the following code for saving the file:
Note that I previously imported the settings:
from django.conf import settings
Strangely, this worked for a while, but then it stopped working. The error I get is:
Exception Value: 'function' object has no attribute 'STATIC_ROOT'
Am I doing something wrong? Is the fact that I am on PythonAnywhere relevant? Is it possible that the app is served by a worker that is not able to write to my static directory? What can I do to solve the problem?
As pointed out by PythonAnywhere staff, the procedure was legitimate and supposed to work because the app is served by a worker running as my own user ID which has permissions to write to the static directory. The problem was generated by a naming conflict due to the fact that also one of the views had been named settings. To solve the problem I substituted the import statement with
from django.conf import settings as django_settings
import os
and the open statement with
file=open(os.path.join(django_settings.STATIC_ROOT, f'game_{name}.json'),'w')
After doing these substitutions, everything seemed to work.