When the select option is the blank placeholder, how can I find this, so I can execute the appropriate jquery / javascript?
here's my markup (haml) :
= form_tag(compare_path, method: 'get', remote: true, id: 'compare_form') do
= select_tag "votus_friend_id", options_from_collection_for_select(@votus_friends, :id, :full_name, @comparison.votus_friend.id), :include_blank => true, :class => "compare-search", :style => "width:100%; margin-left: 3px;"
here's my JS. I know it's way off here. I can't seem to find the exact value that's coming back from select2 for the blank place holder in order to run the conditional:
$('.compare-search').on('change', function() {
console.log('thisss', $('<select/>') );
if ($('.compare-search').val() === '') {
else {
You can try this:
$('.compare-search').on('change', function() {
if ($(this).val().length) {
else {