Our Akka project depends on some other non akka code. From within this code our way to get a logger is by calling org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(ThisClass.class)
I would like to have the real time and real thread when and where the event took place, included in the log print, so I fetch the values of akkaTimestamp and sourceThread, as following:
log4j.appender.console.layout.ConversionPattern=[%-5p] [%X{akkaTimestamp}] [%X{sourceThread}] %c{5}: %m%n
Problem is that these values, which are extracted from the MDC, are not available in the prints which were dispatched from the non-akka loggers.
Here they say
It will probably be a good idea to use the sourceThread MDC value also in non-Akka parts of the application in order to have this property consistently available in the logs.
But they never say how /:
As Konrad says, its not that complicated. This is what worked for me:
import akka.util.Helpers
import ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender
import org.slf4j.MDC
* Decorates MDC with same keys as Akka in
* <a href="https://github.com/akka/akka/blob/master/akka-slf4j/src/main/scala/akka/event/slf4j/Slf4jLogger.scala#L89">Slf4jLogger</a>
* So that logging messages dispatched from non-akka threads has same data.
class AkkaCompatibleConsoleAppender[E] extends ConsoleAppender[E] {
val mdcThreadAttributeName = "sourceThread"
val mdcAkkaTimestamp = "akkaTimestamp"
override def append(eventObject: E): Unit = {
try {
MDC.put(mdcAkkaTimestamp, Helpers.currentTimeMillisToUTCString(System.currentTimeMillis()))
MDC.put(mdcThreadAttributeName, Thread.currentThread().getName)
} finally {
And then in logback.xml:
<appender name="STDOUT" class="agordo.server.AkkaCompatibleConsoleAppender">
<pattern>%X{akkaTimestamp} %-5level %logger{36} %X{sourceThread} %X{akkaSource} - %msg%n</pattern>