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Replace function $$find always returns nothing

I have a QT project file (.pro), and would like to add some compiler specific flags.

Rather than typing out if win32-msvc2013|win32-msvc2010|... for every version of MSVC, I thought I could just search for the substring "msvc".

I did some research and found the find function, which seems perfect for the job.

To test this, I added message($$find($$QMAKESPEC, "*msvc*")) to the project file. However, it always prints blank, regardless of whether or not the $$QMAKESPEC variable contains the substring "msvc". I've also tried message($$find($$QMAKESPEC, "msvc")), message($$find($$QMAKESPEC, msvc)) and message($$find($$QMAKESPEC, *msvc*)).

I checked the value of $$QMAKESPEC with message($$QMAKESPEC), and it printed E:/Qt/5.4/msvc2013_64/mkspecs/win32-msvc2013.

How can I use the find function to check for a substring in a variable in a QT project file?


Frank Osterfeld suggested using msvc { ... } in the comments, which works great! However I feel this question is still useful as $$find still isn't working as expected.

Version Info

Qt Creator 3.3.2 (opensource) Based on Qt 5.4.1 (MSVC 2010, 32 bit)

Built on Mar 4 2015 at 00:09:05

From revision 3af3fe7ad3


  • There are qmake methods that take a string and there are methods that take a variable.

    Replace $$find($$QMAKESPEC, "msvc") by $$find(QMAKESPEC, "msvc").


    message("Test me")
    # MSVC
    message($$find($$QMAKESPEC, "msvc"))
    message($$find(QMAKESPEC, "msvc"))
    # linux
    message($$find($$QMAKESPEC, "linux"))
    message($$find(QMAKESPEC, "linux"))
    # g++ does not work because it is a regular expression
    message($$find($$QMAKESPEC, "g++"))
    message($$find(QMAKESPEC, "g++"))
    # g\+\+ does work
    message($$find($$QMAKESPEC, "g\+\+"))
    message($$find(QMAKESPEC, "g\+\+"))