I looked through such components like GroupBox, Panel, ScrollBox, ListBox, but nothing of them is what i am looking for.
What i want is a component that will have a fixed size, no visible borders, preferaly non-color background and will allow to hide contained components if they overflow this component.
Here is an example of what i want to implement in my Delphi project: http://jsfiddle.net/jgems3Ls/1/
Delphi hierarchy idea:
#non-visible component
#non-visible component
| visible component |
| visible component | //TOverflowBox(?) borders
| visible component |
#non-visible component
Unfortunately, googling didnt give me a single hint on how can i do that
Found a solution with using TPanel.
There are two things to start with:
Since TPanel doesn't has transparency property, i needed to find a way to keep form image instead of grey panel background. The solution was quite obvious: put form image in panel as new component with required left and top offset in order to make it look good. Example code would be:
P := Panel1;
P.Width := 300;
P.Height := 200;
P.Left := 100;
P.Top := 50;
//panel background
I := Image1; //its width and height equal to forms ClientWidth and ClientHeight
I.Left := -100;
I.Top := -50;
Next problem was panel border, which can easily be removed by P.BevelOuter := bvNone
To make panel components scroll, i used form MouseWheel event.
procedure TForm1.FormMouseWheel(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean);
var P: TPanel;
B: boolean;
B := true;
case global_navigation(location, sub_location) of //returns current visible panel
0: B := false; //no visible panels
1: P := Form1.Panel1;
//now we need to check if cursor is in panel area
if B then
if (PtInRect(P.ClientRect, P.ScreenToClient(Mouse.CursorPos))) then
if WheelDelta > 0 then //if we scroll up
for i := (P.ControlCount - 1) downto 1 do
P.Controls[i].Top := P.Controls[i].Top + 10
else //if we scroll down
for i := (P.ControlCount - 1) downto 1 do
P.Controls[i].Top := P.Controls[i].Top - 10;
Looping through panel components is done downto 1
, not downto 0
because the very first component that panel contains is image used as background, which i dont want to move.