Map and filter seem like they would be linear O(n) because they only have to traverse a list once, but is their complexity affected by the function being passed? For example are the two examples below of the same order?
map (+) list
map (complex_function) list
In virtually all cases, when the documentation of an higher order function states its complexity is O(f(n))
, this is assuming that the higher order function has constant time complexity O(1)
. Further, the exact meaning of n
can vary, but when not explicitly stated it should be clear from the context: e.g. the length of a list, the number of elements/associations in a set/map, and so on.
Assume we have a higher order function g
called as g h ...
where h
is a function and the ...
are first order data. Without any other information about the higher-order function g
, if the documentation states it's O(f(n))
, you can get a more realistic worst-case bound of O(f(n)) * CostH
where CostH
represents the cost of calling H
Of course, CostH
will also depend on which arguments are begin passed to h
: here, all we know is that those arguments are being built in O(f(n))
time. It's hard to get a useful general bound on the size of the arguments for h
since, for instance, if h
takes trees as input, then you can build a very large tree in a short time:
foo :: Int -> Tree ()
foo 0 = Tree []
foo m = Tree [t,t] where t = foo (m-1)
The above builds a tree having 2^m
leaves in m
time (thanks to sharing). This can be adapted to 3^m
or to b^m
trivially keeping b*m
However, there might be some way to exploit parametricity to recover a more useful bound. For instance, if our order function has type
g :: (a -> Int) -> [a] -> Int
then we know that g h [...]
can only call h
with arguments taken from the list. Similarly, the library function call sortBy h [...]
can only use h
to compare two elements in the supplied list.
I have however no idea about how to formalize and prove the sketched claim above. It's quite possible that there are some research papers on the topic.