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Blogger - Unable to set custom domain name - getting Error 12 and 404 page

I am unable to setup a custom domain name for my blogger site, I followed all the instructions mentioned on the below link but nothing has helped me so far (Note: Its been 3 days now). Referred Link:

Other details:

My blogger site:

My Domain with www: [Note: Currently showing 404 - page not found]

Domain without www: [Note: Currently showing welcome page]

Also, find the screenshot of

  1. Blogger's Third-party domain settings: Blogger's Third-party domain settings
  2. Godaddy A(Host) Records: Godaddy A record
  3. Godaddy CNAME Records: Godaddy CNAME Records

My Domain name verification has also failed using all the methods mentioned by Blogger.

Let me know if anyone can help me to setup custom domain name for blogger site.

Thank you in advance.


  • I managed to fix the Issue yesterday. While investigating I noticed the my domain name was assigned 4 name servers. The two nameservers shown on settings tab were different from the two nameservers shown on DNS Zone file tab due to which Google blogger was unable to verify domain ownership [Note: I have attached the screenshot of the issue for users reference]. After replacing the two nameservers on "settings" tab with the two nameservers on "DNS Zone File" tab the issue got fixed.

    Godaddy Setting Tab Section: Godaddy Setting Tab Section

    Godaddy DNS Zone File Section: Godaddy DNS Zone File Section

    Hope this information might help others!