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How to advance clock and going through all the events

Reading this answer (point 2) to a question related to Twisted's task.Clock for testing purposes, I found very weird that there is no way to advance the clock from t0 to t1 while catching all the callLater calls within t0 and t1.

Of course, you could solve this problem by doing something like:

clock = task.Clock()
reactor.callLater = clock.callLater


def advance_clock(total_elapsed, step=0.01):
    elapsed = 0
    while elapsed < total_elapsed:
        elapsed += step


time_to_advance = 10  # seconds

But then we have shifted the problem toward choosing a sufficiently small step, which could be very tricky for callLater calls that sample the time from a probability distribution, for instance.

Can anybody think of a solution to this problem?


  • I found very weird that there is no way to advance the clock from t0 to t1 while catching all the callLater calls within t0 and t1.

    Based on what you wrote later in your question, I'm going to suppose that the case you're pointing out is the one demonstrated by the following example program:

    from twisted.internet.task import Clock
    def foo(reactor, n):
        if n == 0:
            print "Done!"
        reactor.callLater(1, foo, reactor, n - 1)
    reactor = Clock()
    foo(reactor, 10)

    One might expect this program to print Done! but it does not. If the last line is replaced with:

    for i in range(10):

    Then the resulting program does print Done!.

    The reason Clock works this way is that it's exactly the way real clocks work. As far as I know, there are no computer clocks that operate with a continuous time system. I won't say it is impossible to implement a timed-event system on top of a clock with discrete steps such that it appears to offer a continuous flow of time - but I will say that Twisted makes no attempt to do so.

    The only real difference between Clock and the real reactor implementations is that with Clock you can make the time-steps much larger than you are likely to encounter in typical usage of a real reactor.

    However, it's quite possible for a real reactor to get into a situation where a very large chunk of time all passes in one discrete step. This could be because the system clock changes (there's some discussion of making it possible to schedule events independent of the system clock so that this case goes away) or it could be because some application code blocked the reactor for a while (actually, application code always blocks the reactor! But in typical programs it only blocks it for a period of time short enough for most people to ignore).

    Giving Clock a way to mimic these large steps makes it possible to write tests for what your program does when one of these cases arises. For example, perhaps you really care that, when the kernel decides not to schedule your program for 2.1 seconds because of a weird quirk in the Linux I/O elevator algorithm, your physics engine nevertheless computes 2.1 seconds of physics even though 420 calls of your 200Hz simulation loop have been skipped.

    It might be fair to argue that the default (standard? only?) time-based testing tool offered by Twisted should be somewhat more friendly towards the common case... Or not. Maybe that would encourage people to write programs that only work in the common case and break in the real world when the uncommon (but, ultimately, inevitable) case arises. I'm not sure.

    Regarding Mike's suggestion to advance exactly to the next scheduled call, you can do this easily and without hacking any internals. clock.advance(clock.getDelayedCalls()[0].getTime() - clock.seconds()) will do exactly this (perhaps you could argue Clock would be better if it at least offered an obvious helper function for this to ease testing of the common case). Just remember that real clocks do not advance like this so if your code has a certain desirable behavior in your unit tests when you use this trick, don't be fooled into thinking this means that same desirable behavior will exist in real usage.