Can I return a node property values in an array? Say I create the following node in neo4j:
CREATE (p:Person {name:'Ernesto', gender:'male', town:'Cham'})
I can produce the keys by using:
MATCH (p:Person {name: 'Ernesto'} )
RETURN keys(p)
will produce:
[name, gender, town]
what is the right method for obtaining:
['Ernesto', 'male', 'Cham']
as a collection, better yet, obtaining a map:
{name: 'Ernesto', gender: 'male', town: 'Cham'}
Not interested in obtaining this info visually as a node properties as it always contains the node id. I'm interested in a generic approach so it can be used variably.
Thanks for any help.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to return all properties of a node with Cypher. Would be a great feature though.
You get something close to it with:
This returns a string representation that you can parse in your application:
Node[817903]{key:"value", key2:"value2"}