In a previous question, a user asked about iterating over a cell array of anonymous functions. I am wondering whether there is a way to evaluate a set of functions without the explicit use of a for
As an example, the following code creates an array of (simple) functions, evaluates them for a fixed value and stores the results:
fcnList = {@(x) (x+1), @(x) (x+2)};
a = 2;
for i = 1:numel(fcnList)
y(i) = fcnList{i}(a);
Is there a way to do this without looping?
For your example, you could do the following using the cellfun function:
fcnList = {@(x) (x+1), @(x) (x+2)};
a = 2;
cellfun(@(func) func(a),fcnList)
ans =
3 4
Where I have created a handle called func
which accepts as input a function from the fcnList
variable. Each function is then evaluated for a
If you need to pass a vector instead of a scalar, for instance b
, you will need to set the 'UniformOutput'
option to false
b=[3 4]
fcnList = {@(x) (x+1), @(x) (x+2)};
cellfun(@(func) func(b),fcnList,'UniformOutput',false)
ans =
[1,1] =
4 5
[1,2] =
5 6