I’m trying to move form MSBuild to psake.
My repository structure looks like this:
| buildscript.ps1
I want to clean the repository before building (using git clean -xdf). But I can’t find a way (expect with the .Net classes) to set the execution directory of git.
First I searched for a way to set the working directory in psakes exec:
exec { git clean -xdf }
exec { Set-Location $root
git clean -xdf }
Set-Location works but after the exec block is finished the location is still set to $root.
Then I tried:
Start-Process git -Argumentlist "clean -xdf" -WorkingDirectory $root
Which works but keeps git open and no future task gets executed.
How can I execute git in $root?
I've encountered the same exact problem as yours in psake with my build scripts. The "Set-Location" cmdlet doesn't affect the Win32 working directory for your Powershell session.
Here is an example:
# Start a new PS session at "C:\Windows\system32"
Set-Location C:\temp
"PS Location = $(Get-Location)"
"CurrentDirectory = $([Environment]::CurrentDirectory)"
The output will be:
PS Location = C:\temp
CurrentDirectory = C:\Windows\system32
What you probably need to do is change the Win32 current directory before invoking native commands such as "git":
$root = "C:\Temp"
exec {
# remember previous directory so we can restore it at end
$prev = [Environment]::CurrentDirectory
[Environment]::CurrentDirectory = $root
git clean -xdf
# you might need try/finally in case of exceptions...
[Environment]::CurrentDirectory = $prev