I'm trying to set up a relational View but not sure how to do it.
Here's an example of what I'm going for using the node types Artist and Song.
Artist Song Length Bob Dylan Like a Rolling Stone 2:00 Bruce Springsteen Atlantic City 4:00 Burce Springsteen Born to Run 5:24 Van Morrison Domino 3:22 Van Morrison Brown Eyed Girl 4:30
Assuming I have an Artist node type that has a node reference to Song (set to unlimited) and a Song data type with an additional field for length, how would I go about configuring the view to output this view?
Thanks! Ian
Here's an answer I got in the Drupal forums which worked perfectly:
The following assumes that artist is the title field of artist, song the title field of song.
Create a view with the following Fields: Title (label set to Artist) Filters: Node: Published set to yes, Node: Type set to Artist.
You should now have a view that lists all artists.
Add a relationship on the node reference field in artist for songs, make sure delta is 'all'. When adding the next two fields use the relationship Field: Node: Title (label set to Song) Field: Content: Length (or whatever you call the field)
Now under "Basic settings" set style to 'table'.