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Why second request do not finish output?

The browser wait for some data from server and logging is done only after server restart. Also I see may childs are forked.

$ah{ $r->hostname } ||=  HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler->new ( .. )

sub handle{
    eval{ $ah{ $r->hostname }->handle_request($r); };
    if( $@ ) {
    $r->filename( $r->document_root . '/errors/500.html' );
    $ah{ $r->hostname }->handle_request($r); };
    $r->log_error( 'ERROR' );

What I do wrong so they are not finished?

UPD I have found only one note about same problem: but no clue.



    So, instead of passing the error text directly to custom_response we store it in pnotes and set an otherwise unused URI, say /-/error, as custom_response:

    sub handler {
      my ($r)=@_;
      @{$r->pnotes}{qw/etext ect/}=("sorry, no access\n", 'text/plain; charset=my-characters');
      $r->custom_response( 403, "/-/error" );
      return 403;

    Now, we need to configure /-/error to run a Perl handler:

    <Location /-/error>
      SetHandler modperl
      PerlResponseHandler My::Error

    And, of course, we need the handler function, My::Error::handler:

    sub handler {
      my ($r)=@_;
      return Apache2::Const::NOT_FOUND unless $r->prev;
      return Apache2::Const::OK;

    This solution seems to work, but I do not know the answer from main question yet: Why request is not finished?


    That seems a bug with mod_perl2