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write protection mode will not change

I use this following code to remove the write protection folder so that I can delete that. But It won't work.

File.SetAttributes(@"F:\File", FileAttributes.Normal); 

How can I remove the write protection?

If I can remove file protection from the disk, so give some codes to do that.

Any help will be appreciated

Thanks in advance


  • There is a difference between Folder and File. With this you will remove the readonly atribute and delete the folder.

    var di = new DirectoryInfo(@"F:\File");
    di.Attributes &= ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly;


    Formating USB drive. You can read the article.

    public static bool FormatDrive(string driveLetter, 
        string fileSystem = "NTFS", bool quickFormat=true, 
        int clusterSize = 8192, string label = "", bool enableCompression = false )
       if (driveLetter.Length != 2 || driveLetter[1] != ':'|| !char.IsLetter(driveLetter[0]))
          return false;
       //query and format given drive         
       ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher
        (@"select * from Win32_Volume WHERE DriveLetter = '" + driveLetter + "'");
       foreach (ManagementObject vi in searcher.Get())
          vi.InvokeMethod("Format", new object[] 
        { fileSystem, quickFormat,clusterSize, label, enableCompression });
       return true;

    You should put the driveLetter like this: "F:"