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R - How to show progress in nested loops?

I am performing two loops in R: the external one is over 5 directories and the internal one is over the 15 files existing in each directory.

My question is: how to display the progress of the task in this scenario?

Please see the following example:

# these are the directories
vars <- c("clt", "hurs", "pr", "tas", "was")

# prepare progress info
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(vars), style = 3)

# first, loop through variables
for (i in 1:length(vars)){

  # do some stuff here: each file takes a bit long to finish
  files <- c("", "", 
  "", "", 
  "", "", 
  "", "", 
  "", "", 
  "", "", 
  "", "", 
  "", "", 
  "", "", 
  "", "", 
  "", "", 
  "", "", 
  "", "", 
  "", "", 
  "", ""

  # loop through files
  for (j in files){

    # do some stuff here too

    # inform progress on files
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)



I am showing here the progress on each directory only. However, because processing all files in a directory takes a long time, I would prefer to show the progress for each one of the 75 files.

However, I can't think of a way of doing this on a nested loop. Does anyone have any idea?


  • If each directory has 15 files, set the maximum of the progress bar to length(var)*15. Then set a counter k which will be incremented after each file:

    #outside both loops
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(vars)*15, style = 3)
    #inside the j loop just before the progress bar:
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, k)