Search code examples

Remove value from array in magento field

I have a magento custom collection and each item in the collection has its own landing page (collection/view/index/id/12 etc) in the frontend & managed in the admin backend.

I have a controller action that allows users to "follow" each item, with the users ID saved/added to the items field value.

Example of the value of the Field/attribute below

//Follow Action Working..
//Users ID added to field when followAction accessed via a follow link.

$model2 = Mage::getModel("userprofiles/userprofiles")->load($id);
$FollowProfiles = $model2->getFollowProfiles();
Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->addSuccess('Sucessfully followed.'); 

//saves as

The follow action works as intended. However trying to get the unfollow action is not wanting to work. Code below.

//Get field/attribute values ie 123,234,345,456, 
$FollowProfilesArray = array($model2->getFollowProfiles());

//$profileid will be current users id
//used to remove user id from array
$remove_from_array = array_diff($FollowProfilesArray,array($profile_id,));

foreach($remove_from_array as $key => $value){
$select .= ''.$value.',';
//saves all ids except the removed users id

Basically for some reason when using array($model2->getFollowProfiles()) does not allow the removal of the user id from the field value saves it as 123,234,345,456,,


when i set the array as a hardcoded value array(123,234,345,456,) it works and removes the id specified.

Any reason why array($model2->getFollowProfiles()) does not work as it equals 123,234,345,456,

Do i have to implode, explode the $model2->getFollowProfiles() or something..??


  • Ok sorted it out yeah. Code below.


    $FollowProfilesArray = array($model2->getFollowProfiles()); 


    //explode out the attribute value
    $FollowProfilesArray = explode(",","".$model2->getFollowProfiles()."");

    and changed

    foreach($remove_from_array as $key => $value){
    $select .= ''.$value.',';}


        //so if $value is NULL save no value id, stoppped the adding of , to the attribute value
        foreach($remove_from_array as $key => $value){
        if($value == NULL) {
        //$select .= ''.$value.',';
        $select .= ''.$value.',';           

    so now on call to unfollowAction the specified ID is removed from the attribute value but keeps any other ID values.