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How can I create a generic setter for JTextField?

I am able to expose a private JTextField by doing this:

public void setTextField(String value) {

It would be a lot of work if I have a lot of JTextFields. I tried doing this but failed. No error it's just not setting the right value on specified JTextField.

public class SomeView {

    private JTextField someTF = new JTextField(10);

    public void initComponents() {

    public void setTextField(JTextField jTF, String value) {

public class SomeViewTable implements ...{

    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
        if (e.getSource() == someButton) {
            JTextField someTF = new JTextField(10);
            String value = "Some Value";
            SomeView sv = new SomeView();

            sv.setTextField(someTF, value);

Im expecting this to happen in SomeView class when I called method sameTextField

someTF.setText("Some Value");

Is this possible, what rules in java am I breaking here?


  • In your listener, you are creating a local variable:

    JTextField someTF = new JTextField(10);
    sv.setTextField(someTF, value);

    But what you want is to set the text field of SomeView. So remove the first line, and replace the second with:

    sv.setTextField(sv.someTF, value);

    Now, to answer the more global question of how to expose many private JTextFields through one method, one possibility could be to assign a string ID to each of them, and store them all in a HashMap:

    Map<String,JTextField> map = new HashMap<String,JTextField>();
    map.put("field 1", textField1);
    map.put("field n", textFieldn);
    public void setTextField(String id, String value) {

    Or you could simply generate getters automatically for all your fields (most IDE do that painlessly)...