I have this function view.
How to transform this function in Class Based View?
In this case i use TemplateView?
def linechart(request):
ds = DataPool(
series=[{'options': {
'source': MonthlyWeatherByCity.objects.all()},
'terms': [
cht = Chart(
series_options=[{'options': {
'type': 'bar',
'stacking': False},
'terms': {
'month': [
chart_options={'title': {
'text': 'Weather Data of Boston and Houston'},
'xAxis': {
'title': {
'text': 'Month number'}}})
return render_to_response('core/linechart.html', {'weatherchart': cht})
Return error
class MyTemplateView(TemplateView):
template_name = 'core/linechart.html'
def get_ds(self):
return DataPool(...)
def get_water_chart(self):
return Chart(datasource=self.get_ds() ...)
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(MyTemplateView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
context['weatherchart'] = self.get_water_chart()
return context
in urls should be something like this
url(r'^$', MyTemplateView.as_view(), name='index'),