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Client Certificate Authentication and User Enrollment

I'm currently reading the Client X.509 Certificate Authentication and User Enrollment tutorial ( ) and trying to implement it with my current worklight appliation. I'm using Worklight Studio 6.0

However, I'm a bit confused about the authenticationConfig.xml setup. I currently have an adapter authentication working. The first page of my app presents a login page and the adapterChallenge handler will verify the username and password against the database. The following snippet represents the configuration:

<customSecurityTest name="AuthRealm">
            <test isInternalUserID="true" realm="AdapterAuthRealm"/>
              <!-- <test isInternalUserID="true" realm="SampleAppRealm"/> -->

<realm name="AdapterAuthRealm" loginModule="NonValidatingLoginModule">
            <parameter name="login-function" value="AuthAdapter.onAuthRequired"></parameter>
            <parameter name="logout-function" value="AuthAdapter.onLogout"></parameter>

<loginModule name="NonValidatingLoginModule">

I'm not sure how to use the following snippet of the tutorial to tie into my setup. Does my security test become step 2 or 3? Do I simply add these under my security test (AuthRealm)?

        <customSecurityTest name="customx509Tests">
                    <test realm="wl_antiXSRFRealm" step="1"/>
                    <test realm="wl_directUpdateRealm" mode="perSession" step="1"/>
                    <test realm="wl_userCertificateAuthRealm" isInternalUserID="true" step="1"/>
                    <test realm="wl_deviceNoProvisioningRealm" isInternalDeviceID="true" step="2"/>

            <realm name="wl_userCertificateAuthRealm" loginModule="WLUserCertificateLoginModule">

                    <parameter name="dependent-user-auth-realm" value="SampleAppRealm" />
                    <parameter name="pki-bridge-class" value="com.worklight.core.auth.ext.UserCertificateEmbeddedPKI" />
                    <parameter name="embedded-pki-bridge-ca-p12-file-path" value="/path/to/certificates/directory/signingca/signing_ca.p12"/> 
                    <parameter name="embedded-pki-bridge-ca-p12-password" value="passSigningP12" />

<loginModule name="WLUserCertificateLoginModule">

Any advice is appreciated.


  • The user authentication feature is it's own separate security realm. It allows you to specify a dependent user auth realm that is used when an x509 certificate is not provided by the client. The dependent realm is basically used to enroll the device/user/app into your PKI. The dependent realm can be any security realm you choose.

    To specify your security realm as the dependent realm, change the following line:

    <parameter name="dependent-user-auth-realm" value="SampleAppRealm" />


    <parameter name="dependent-user-auth-realm" value="AdapterAuthRealm" />

    Was this your question?

    FYI, you can read up more on the feature at:!/SSHS8R_6.3.0/

    and the server side PKI configuration for more details:!/SSHS8R_6.3.0/