Is there any way to generate all possibilities like 9 letters to be divided in 3 teams, like this:
find([a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i], T1, T2, T3).
T1 = [a, b]
T2 = [c, d, e]
T3 = [f, g, h, i]
Next generation should be the next combination, until there are no more combinations.
Is there a way? Of course:
-Pick 2 members of the original list, place them in T1
-Pick 3 members in the rest and place them in T2
-The rest is T3
teams(L, T1, T2, T3) :-
pick2(L, T1, L1),
pick3(L1, T2, T3).
pick2(L, [M1, M2], Rest) :-
member(M1, L),
delete(L, M1, L1),
member(M2, L1),
delete(L1, M2, Rest).
pick3(L, [M1, M2, M3], Rest) :-
pick2(L, [M1, M2], L1),
member(M3, L1),
delete(L1, M3, Rest).
The query
:- teams([a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i], T1, T2, T3).
is producing the requested output. Please note, the code above is assuming the input is in correct format (i.e. the list has correct number of elements).
You can use the select/3
predicate in SWI prolog instead of member/delete
teams(L, T1, T2, T3) :-
pick2(L, T1, L1),
pick3(L1, T2, T3).
pick2(L, [M1, M2], Rest) :-
select(M1, L, L1),
select(M2, L1, Rest).
pick3(L, [M1, M2, M3], Rest) :-
pick2(L, [M1, M2], L1),
select(M3, L1, Rest).