I'm using Restangular on my angularjs app.
I'm issuing a request that gives me some response headers I need to retrieve. I'm using RestangularConfigurer.setFullResponse(true) so I can access response.headers. The problem is I'm getting null or undefined for every value I'm trying to retrieve.
Here's the code.
In the controller:
auth.login($scope.user).then(function(response) {
console.log(response.headers('myHeader')); // This gives me null
auth.saveToken(response.headers.myHeader); // Here I retrieve the header
$translate('AUTH.LOGINSUCCESSMESSAGE').then(function(message) {
}, function(response) {
console.log('Error logging in, with status: ' + response.status);
$translate('AUTH.LOGINERRORMESSAGE').then(function(message) {
In the service:
auth.login = function(user) {
return MyRestangular.all('sessions').post(user);
My Restangular service configuration:
app.factory('MyRestangular', function(configuration, Restangular) {
return Restangular.withConfig(function(RestangularConfigurer) {
Found the solution.
Just make sure that the backend is exposing the needed headers with Access-Control-Expose-Headers.