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How can i make a page accessable only from a page that redirects the user to it?

i want to make a page accessable only from a page that redirects to it. this page which redirects to this page is called /purchase.php and then this page redirects to a page which is called /username.php, i want THIS page to be accessable only from /purchase.php and not directly from a url.

Solution: For purchase.php:

//Put this when the purchase is vailidated
$SESSION_['fromMain'] = "true";
//Then redirect
header ("Location:");

For username.php:

//Check if the browser comes from purchase php
if($_SESSION['fromMain'] == "false"){
//If not redirect to index page
header ("Location:
} else {
$SESSION_['fromMain'] = "false";


  • As an additional measure (besides the comment already made by CD001) you could utilize the $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] variable, which will be empty if the script is requested right from the browser interface.