I'm attempting to create a loop in R that will use a vector of dates, run them through a loop that includes a SQL query, and then generate a separate dataframe for each output. Here is as far as I've gotten:
dvect <- as.Date("2015-04-13") + 0:2
d <- list()
for(i in list(dvect)){
queryData <- sqlQuery(myconn, paste("SELECT
sum(calls) as calls
FROM database
WHERE DDATE = '", i,"'
", sep = ""))
d[i] <- rbind(d, queryData)
From what I can tell, the query portion of the code runs fine since I've tested it by itself. Where I'm stumbling is the last line where I try to save the contents of each loop through the query separately with each having a label of the date that was used in the loop.
I'd appreciate any help. I've only been using R consistently for about 2 months now so I'm definitely open to alternative ways of doing this that are cleaner and more efficient.
I'd suggest making the SQL query a function, and use lapply
to apply it and return your result as a list.
userSQLquery = function(i) {
sqlQuery(myconn, paste("SELECT
sum(calls) as calls
FROM database
WHERE DDATE = '", i,"'
", sep = ""))
dvect = as.Date("2015-04-13") + 0:2
d = as.list(1:length(dvect))
names(d) = dvect
lapply(d, userSQLquery)
I have very little experience with SQL though, so this may not work. Maybe it could start you off?