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Automation of email sending process through corporate webmail

I am in need of a script which automatically sends particular data from my corporate webmail email id .

Till now I am able to send automatic emails from a gmail id. But Iam unable to configure it for my webmail id.

Please let me know if any configuration changes are needed or I need to setup a server for this.(if possible also help me how to configure the server)

This is the Ruby function which I am using

def send_mail(to_recepient,data,mailSubject,extraBodyText,sender_info)

    options = { :address              => "",
              :port                 => 587,
              :domain               => '',
              :user_name            => sender_info[:senderName],
              :password             => sender_info[:senderPassword],
              :authentication       => 'plain',
              :enable_starttls_auto => true  }

  Mail.defaults do
    delivery_method :smtp, options

  Mail.deliver do
         to "#{to_recepient}"
       from ''
    subject mailSubject
      body stringData'attachment_file',"w")

      fh.puts data
     add_file :filename => 'attachment_file', :content => data




  • I faced similar problem. You can configure mailer for particular smtp server like this:

    options = { :address              => "", #address can differ
              :port                 => 25  }

    Don't forget to add:

    config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp

    Don't need to provide password and username, but remember to specify from field in your email message (as you already did).