After recent system abrupt reboot, Oracle Virtual box with xUbuntu did not show user 'xxxxx' for login. I am able to login as root, I can see /home/xxxxx/, however, working environment with development tools are setup as 'xxxxx' user.
here is excerpt of ls -al
in /home/xxxxx/
drwxr-xr-x 2 xxxxx xxxxx 4096 Jun 27 2014 Downloads
drwxrwxr-x 3 xxxxx xxxxx 4096 Mar 3 10:03 .eclipse
drwx------ 2 xxxxx xxxxx 4096 Dec 17 11:07 .emacs.d
drwx------ 3 xxxxx xxxxx 4096 May 22 08:22 .gconf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 xxxxx xxxxx 55 Dec 16 12:48 .gitconfig
drwx------ 3 xxxxx xxxxx 4096 Jul 1 2014 .gnome2
drwxrwxr-x 2 xxxxx xxxxx 4096 Dec 18 16:47 .gstreamer-0.10
drwxrwxr-x 3 xxxxx xxxxx 4096 Jan 20 13:23 https:
-????????? 1 ? ? 644 May 22 08:22 .ICEauthority
-rwxr-xr-x 1 xxxxx xxxxx 925 May 21 13:13 ICE.tar.gz
drwxrwxr-x 3 xxxxx xxxxx 4096 Jun 27 2014 .local
drwxrwxr-x 2 xxxxx xxxxx 4096 Jan 20 13:25 .metadata
drwx------ 4 xxxxx xxxxx 4096 Jun 27 2014 .mozilla
drwxr-xr-x 2 xxxxx xxxxx 4096 Jun 27 2014 Music
drwxr-xr-x 2 xxxxx xxxxx 4096 Jun 27 2014 Pictures
How do we restore ‘xxxxx’ account? chmod
, chgrp
, chown
, try to replace file .ICEauthority
all failed.
We can see that permissions for file .ICEauthority is corrupt, filesystem may also be corrupt.
Follow these steps:
1. Login as root
2. unmount the drive-partition on which /home/xxxxx is mount for example: umount /dev/sdd1
3. Run file system checkup tool 'e2fsck' on /dev/sddx, for example: e2fsck /dev/sdd1
4. e2fsck may ask to confirm fix, press key 'y' as many times as required.
5. ls -al
would show all permissions restored.
6. Reboot xUbuntu, it would work :-)