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Push UIViewController from Settings

I'm trying to push a UIViewControllerfrom a Settings bundle, like this:

Twitter Example 1[1] Twitter Example 2[2]

I have the Child Pane pointing to another plist but I don't see anything in the documentation how to tie a UIViewController to the selector. Is there a PSSpecifier I am missing or is this just Private API functionality (hence why Twitter/Facebook/Flickr etc. have it but many others don't?

Also, I'm using InAppSettingsKit for the time being but is there a more current solution that simplifies the Settings bundle/In App Settings synchronization?

I'm pretty frustrated with Apple's poor documentation regarding Settings and how to integrate (somewhat) commonly used functionality into other applications.


  • It's not possible with the standard Apple settings scheme. InAppSettingsKit does allow it. Check the paragraph on custom view controllers to push your own view controller.

    Alternatively, you can also use a custom button to manually present a modal view controller.