I'm trying to push a UIViewController
from a Settings bundle, like this:
I have the Child Pane pointing to another plist but I don't see anything in the documentation how to tie a UIViewController
to the selector. Is there a PSSpecifier I am missing or is this just Private API functionality (hence why Twitter/Facebook/Flickr etc. have it but many others don't?
Also, I'm using InAppSettingsKit for the time being but is there a more current solution that simplifies the Settings bundle/In App Settings synchronization?
I'm pretty frustrated with Apple's poor documentation regarding Settings and how to integrate (somewhat) commonly used functionality into other applications.
It's not possible with the standard Apple settings scheme. InAppSettingsKit does allow it. Check the paragraph on custom view controllers to push your own view controller.
Alternatively, you can also use a custom button to manually present a modal view controller.