i have two arrays like this
array 1
array(3) { [0]=> float(2.7742631687417) [1]=> float(2.5949809043991) [2]=> float(3.0174025996932) }
array 2
array(3) { [0]=> float(2.7259998526469) [1]=> float(3.4826656582587) [2]=> float(3.2284968891602) }
This array is dynamic , so the size of the array is not always the array ( 3 ) . sometimes array has a size of array ( 2 ) , array ( 4 ) , array ( 5 ) . The array just as an example .
I want to perform mathematical operations using the values in the array using the looping function . The mathematical formula if I do it manually is like this
for example:
V1 = 2.7742631687417 / (2.7742631687417 + 2.7259998526469)
V2 = 2.5949809043991 / (2.5949809043991 + 3.4826656582587)
V3 = 3.0174025996932 / (3.0174025996932 + 3.2284968891602)
The numerical values obtained from the existing values in the array. "V" number depends on how many number of indexes that exist on the array . eg array ( 3 ) then "V" totaling 3 as well (V1, V2, V3).
so how I can perform mathematical operations and store it into the array as well ? I use PHP and CodeIgniter
Based on your description, it seems that you want to divide the value of array1 to the summation of the value of array1 and array2. The code would be:
$arrlength = count($arr1);
for($x = 0; $x < $arrlength; $x++) {