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Is there a way to check update for particular npm package using rss/atom or other similar way?

I found only this thread when an user ask similar question but without answer. ( )

I know two sites that are repositories of NPM packages:

And I can't find a way to obtain an rss for single package in a way like it is done for github or sourceforge:


And yes, i know that I might check what is the github repository for given NPM and do it that way, but I specifically ask for a way to reach this info from some kind of NMP repository that tracks if a given package changed its git address (not necessarily these two I added here as example.)

It is hard to find these tricks by google because it thinks I'm searching for some kind of NPM package that deals with RSS/ATOM.


  • I've recently added a release atom feed to all packages on, simply add /versions.atom to the end of any project page url, for example:

    With npm modules it should never be more than 10 minutes delayed in showing the newest version.