What's the most efficient way to compare two bit vectors? In Objective-C, I'm using CFBitVectors and simply comparing each bit in both:
for (CFIndex bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < numBits; bitIndex++) {
if (CFBitVectorGetBitAtIndex(thisVector, bitIndex) != CFBitVectorGetBitAtIndex(thatVector, bitIndex)) {
return NO;
return YES;
Which works fine, but I wasn't sure if there wasn't some more efficient way to do it using bit operators.
One can do a bitwise-or operation on the two CFBitVectorRef structs as described in this answer. However, that's subject to failure at a future time, since it's implementation-dependent. The safest way to compare them appears to be one bit at a time as described in the OP. Here's a utility function that does the whole thing:
BOOL CFBitVectorEqualsCFBitVector(CFBitVectorRef thisVector, CFBitVectorRef thatVector) {
CFIndex numBits = CFBitVectorGetCount(thisVector);
if (numBits != CFBitVectorGetCount(thisVector)) return NO;
for (CFIndex bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < numBits; bitIndex++) {
if (CFBitVectorGetBitAtIndex(thisVector, bitIndex) != CFBitVectorGetBitAtIndex(thatVector, bitIndex)) {
return NO;
return YES;