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Renaming of IPA app name

I have production IPA file with the name as MyApp. I need to change this name as MyApp_SIT for testing purpose. Where I have to do the modifications. I have the production IPA file and the new Provisioning profile and certificate for testing purpose. Is this possible to rename the app name. I have to finish it urgently. Can anyone please tell how to do this.


  • If you have the provisioning profile, certificate, and key, you can modify the .app payload contents and then re-sign. But given that you do not have the source code, I doubt you have those. If you do, here are the steps:

    From the terminal:

    unzip app.ipa
    rm -rf Payload/
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy Payload/

    Inside the PlistBuddy editor, do the following:

    Set :CFBundleName MyApp_SIT

    Then, back at the command line, we resign the app with it's new bundle name:

    cp <path_to_provisioing_profile>/AdHoc.mobileprovision Payload/ 
    codesign -f -s "iPhone Distribution: Company Certificate" --resource-rules Payload/  Payload/
    zip -qr app-resigned.ipa Payload/

    General steps referenced here: