I have production IPA file with the name as MyApp. I need to change this name as MyApp_SIT for testing purpose. Where I have to do the modifications. I have the production IPA file and the new Provisioning profile and certificate for testing purpose. Is this possible to rename the app name. I have to finish it urgently. Can anyone please tell how to do this.
If you have the provisioning profile, certificate, and key, you can modify the .app payload contents and then re-sign. But given that you do not have the source code, I doubt you have those. If you do, here are the steps:
From the terminal:
unzip app.ipa
rm -rf Payload/MyApp.app/_CodeSignature/
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy Payload/MyApp.app/Info.plist
Inside the PlistBuddy editor, do the following:
Set :CFBundleName MyApp_SIT
Then, back at the command line, we resign the app with it's new bundle name:
cp <path_to_provisioing_profile>/AdHoc.mobileprovision Payload/MyApp.app/embedded.mobileprovision
codesign -f -s "iPhone Distribution: Company Certificate" --resource-rules Payload/MyApp.app/ResourceRules.plist Payload/MyApp.app
zip -qr app-resigned.ipa Payload/
General steps referenced here: