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How can I select this in Microsoft Query?

I have a stored procedure and a simple table.

I need to join this two object then allow user to see the result using Microsoft Query in Excel.

This is what I have. The Exec SP_Budget create global temp table and fill ##tmpBudget

exec SP_Budget;
Select, g.address,g.Amount,b.BudgetAmt from gTable g
Left join ##tmpBudget b on b.NameID=g.NameID

Microsoft query can only do a simple

select * from tTable 

how can I do this?

I have to have the stored procedure because it does UNpivot inside the SP_Budget

EDIT: The more I think about this. I think I need to post the original SP_Budget so here it is. Because maybe a better approach is to create a function rather than SP_Budget. Here is my SP_Budget. Is it possible to convert this SP to a function?

--this link show me how to build column list for the PIVOT/UNPIVOT
--this link show me how to build column list of a specific table
--here we build the dynamic query for the column list for the PIVOT/UNPIVOT 
declare @sql  AS NVARCHAR(MAX);
declare @cols nvarchar(max);
select @cols = coalesce(@cols+N',', N'') + quotename( from syscolumns c
inner join sysobjects o on = and o.xtype = 'u'
where = 'AcctHist' and not in ('PID', 'UID') and like 'ptdbal%' and <> 'PtdBal12' order by c.colid

--Construct the full T-SQL statement
--and execute dynamically
SET @sql = N'select 
CASE WHEN len(Convert(varchar(2),CONVERT(int,right(Period,2))+1))=1
THEN ''0''+Convert(varchar(2),CONVERT(int,right(Period,2))+1) 
ELSE Convert(varchar(2),CONVERT(int,right(Period,2))+1)
END "Period"
from (
SELECT  A.DB,A.Sub,A.acct,A.FiscYr,A.CpnyID
, sum(A.PtdBal00) "PtdBal00" 
,sum(A.PtdBal01) "PtdBal01"
,sum(A.PtdBal02) "PtdBal02"
,sum(A.PtdBal03) "PtdBal03"
,sum(A.PtdBal04) "PtdBal04"
,sum(A.PtdBal05) "PtdBal05"
,sum(A.PtdBal06) "PtdBal06"
,sum(A.PtdBal07) "PtdBal07"
,sum(A.PtdBal08) "PtdBal08"
,sum(A.PtdBal09) "PtdBal09"
,sum(A.PtdBal10) "PtdBal10"
,sum(A.PtdBal11) "PtdBal11"
FROM vz_Finance_Budget A
Group by   A.DB,A.Sub,A.acct,A.FiscYr,A.CpnyID
UNPIVOT (Amounts for Period in ('+@cols+')) unpiv;';
EXEC sp_executesql @sql;

Edit2: Thank you for all the suggestions. I decided that the limiting factor is microsoft query itself. Plus microsoft query should be replaced with something newer (I think). Instead of configuring my server to allow openrowset or OPENQuery. I will look into microsoft query replacement. not sure if this is the right way to go. but I will update here. thanks.

Edit3: Trying this blog now: I will update when I complete it


  • I solved this using this blog below

    basically in excel, when you click data tab - From other sources - instead of "from microsoft query". I select "from SQL server". With "from SQL Server". I have the option in the "Connection properties - definition" to select the command type to SQL (instead of table)

    the blog explains this with screenshot... Thanks