I'm currently trying to come up with a script to copy several files from one location to the operating location of a program and then launching the application. Currently I have this:
xcopy /s /v /z "I:\test\20150520\Files\stmt" "C:\Users\test\Desktop\test2"
This script seems to work without a problem but the issue I'm running into is that my from directory changes each day where I have 20150520. The directory's below that are always the same its just the one changes daily and I would need the script to do that as well.
Is there anyway that this can be done?
Next script expects a valid parameter (see %~1
in the code and example provided below); if a parameter not found or does not match a valid folder then gets today's date (see the :getToday
SETLOCAL enableextensions
set "dayFolder=%~1"
if "%dayFolder%"=="" call :getToday
if not exist "I:\test\%dayFolder%\Files\stmt\" call :getToday
if exist "I:\test\%dayFolder%\Files\stmt\" (
xcopy /s /v /z "I:\test\%dayFolder%\Files\stmt" "C:\Users\test\Desktop\test2"
) else (
echo invalid "%~1" parameter or "%dayFolder%" folder does not exist
goto :eof
for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%G in (
'wmic OS get LocalDateTime /value'
) do @for /F "tokens=*" %%x in ("%%G") do (
set "dayFolder=%%~x"
set "dayFolder=%dayFolder:~0,8%"
goto :eof
Here the for
loops in the :getToday
subroutine are
to retrieve the LocalDateTime
to remove the ending carriage return in the value returned (wmic
behaviour: each output line ends with 0x0D0D0A
instead of common 0x0D0A
invalid "" parameter or "20150521" folder does not exist
Press any key to continue . . .
==>D:\bat\StackOverflow\30356205.bat 2015 05 19
invalid "2015" parameter or "20150521" folder does not exist
Press any key to continue . . .