I've got an XmlNode
object rowNode
, and when I call rowNode.OuterXml
I get this result:
<Row Nr="1">
<Område FormulaR1C1="" />
<Position FormulaR1C1="" />
<Lev FormulaR1C1="" />
<Option FormulaR1C1="" />
I'm trying to get the value of Område
with the following code:
and I get Referenced object has a value of 'Nothing'.
That's okay, I guess, because it has no value. But then I do it with another turn of the rowNode
object where the XML is:
<Row Nr="2">
<Område FormulaR1C1="1">1</Område>
<Position FormulaR1C1="1">1</Position>
<Lev FormulaR1C1="NM">NM</Lev>
<Option FormulaR1C1="" />
And I still get Referenced object has a value of 'Nothing'.
I also tried with some of the other elements - Lev
and Position
but I get the same "Nothing" result. What am I doing wrong?
The problem was due to existence of default namespace. One possible way to access elements in namespace is by using XmlNamespaceManager
. You need to register mapping of prefix to namespace uri to the namespace manager, and then use the registered prefix properly in the xpath :
Dim doc As New XmlDocument()
Dim nsManager As New XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable)
nsManager.AddNamespace("d", "your-namespace-uri-here")
Dim result = rowNode.SelectSingleNode("/d:Row/d:Område", nsManager).InnerText
Or if you don't need to consider namespaces in selecting the elements, you can just ignore it by using xpath local-name()
function :
Dim result = rowNode.SelectSingleNode("/*[local-name()='Row']/*[local-name()='Område']").InnerText