I'm trying to strip the characters b,'()
The issue I'm having is that it says TypeError 'str' does not support the buffer interface.
Here are the relevant parts of code in this:
import urllib3
def command_uptime():
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
r = http.request('GET', 'https://nightdev.com/hosted/uptime.php?channel=TrippedNW')
rawData = r.data
liveTime = bytes(rawData.strip("b,\'()", rawData))
message = "Tripped has been live for: ", liveTime
send_message(CHAN, message)
What you have is binary data. Its not a string. You need to decode it first.
Also you don't need to pass rawData
to itself in strip method.
import urllib3
def command_uptime():
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
r = http.request('GET', 'https://nightdev.com/hosted/uptime.php?channel=TrippedNW')
strData = r.data.decode('utf-8')
liveTime = strData.strip("b,\'()")
message = "Tripped has been live for: %s" % liveTime
Be also aware that your message
variable is a tuple not a string. I dont know if send_message
expects this. I formatted it into a single string.