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Assert proper number of items in list with espresso

What is the best way to inspect and assert that a listview is the expected size with android espresso?

I wrote this matcher, but don't quite know how to integrate it into the test.

public static Matcher<View> withListSize (final int size) {
    return new TypeSafeMatcher<View> () {
        @Override public boolean matchesSafely (final View view) {
            return ((ListView) view).getChildCount () == size;

        @Override public void describeTo (final Description description) {
            description.appendText ("ListView should have " + size + " items");


  • Figured this out.

    class Matchers {
      public static Matcher<View> withListSize (final int size) {
        return new TypeSafeMatcher<View> () {
          @Override public boolean matchesSafely (final View view) {
            return ((ListView) view).getCount () == size;
          @Override public void describeTo (final Description description) {
            description.appendText ("ListView should have " + size + " items");

    If expecting one item in the list, put this in the actual test script.

    onView (withId ( (ViewAssertions.matches (Matchers.withListSize (1)));