this is my first project and i m facinated by MQTT -S comparison with HTTP and MQTT. now, i intend to creat my own server over Raspberry PI2 board. I m using TIVA C launchpad for communicating the signals with Raspberry via Ethernet. but truth is is Im new to Rpi and MQTT-S. can you please suggest the basic tutorials or steps how to make my Own server and how to test it. i m good with Hardware and Sensor and all other programming within board is done(TIVA C series Launch pad).
please suggest me some links, video tutorials or steps how to proceed. I have read and it looks alot easy and have watch few videos by IBM as well. but , i lack the confidence that i can do it.
Thank you!
I'm not allowed to comment on Michael's response because I don't have enough points; but his answer looks pretty complete.
I use RSMB as my MQTT-SN server, using the sources from Eclipse:
I followed the instructions here:
And here is a simple MQTT-SN configuration, running on UDP port 1883: